Day 1: Fair & Lovely Challenge

Off late there’s a sudden spurt in TVC’s of fairness creams. Several product companies are trying hard to woo the public. So, I thought of doing a small experiment. Here are the details

Topic: Fairness challenge

Product: Fairness Cream

Brand: Fair & Lovely 

To do: Apply fairness cream twice a day ( as per instructions )

Guinea Pigs: Latha and Roja

Duration: 11th July – 17th July


We started this challenge last night, here is the pic.


Note the spots on Roja’s forehead and Latha’s right cheek ( sorry it’s hidden 😛 ). The company claims that consistent use of the cream for a week will reduce spots and increase fairness. lets track this.


P.S: Please share your beauty tips. Help these girls get rid of their skin travails and attain flawless skin.